International Journal of Medical Justice [IJMJ] , is an official electronic journal of the GLAFIMS ACADEMY.

All manuscripts submitted for publication should comply with "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" produced and updated by the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (

Download [PDF] Guidelines for Preparing a Manuscript for Submission to International Journal of Medical Justice [IJMJ]

Download Disclosure of Interest Form [ICMJE]

Compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki Principles ( is accepted as a policy of International Journal of Medical Justice [IJMJ]. Therefore, all manuscripts concerning human subjects must contain a statement in the "Materials and Methods" section, indicating that the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee. All study subjects should be informed and written consent should be obtained and this should be declared in the "Materials and Methods" section. All manuscripts dealing with animal subjects must contain the approval of the Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee, in the "Materials and Methods" section. The Editor may ask for a copy of the approval document.

The Editor-in-Chief holds the right to format or reject the manuscripts, which do not follow the rules or send them back to the Author for correction. Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscripts need to state this to the Editor in written form.

Submitted papers are reviewed by the Editors, and at least two Reviewers. The Editors may decide to send the manuscript for further review. The Editor-in-Chief has the complete authority regarding Reviewer selection.

Receipt, acceptance and early online dates of the manuscripts are stated in the manuscript when published online.

SUBMISSION: The manuscripts should be submitted through the journal online submission system. One copy in prescribed format is to be emailed to . All the required documents are to be submitted in time before the journal review process is initiated. The journal reserves the right to start the review process in case the manuscript is submitted without needed document in order to facilitate the publication process. However it is mandatory to submit all the documents before sending the manuscript for final print.

PAGE DESIGN: The manuscript text should be written in Arial font, 11 point-type, double-spaced with 2.5 cm margins on the each side. The article should be prepared with Microsoft Office programs. The pages should be numbered starting with the main text. Page numbers should appear at the bottom right corner of every page. The main text file should not contain any information regarding author names and affiliations.

ABBREVIATIONS: Abbreviations should be internationally accepted and should be defined accordingly in the text in parenthesis when first mentioned and used in the text. The abbreviated form should be used all throughout the article.

TITLE PAGE: All of the submitted manuscripts should include a title page. It should include title of the manuscript, running title not exceeding 50 characters including spaces, as well as the full names, surnames and academic degrees of the authors. The department, division and institution of the authors should be indicated. Title page should also include address, e-mail, phone and fax number of the corresponding author. Authors should indicate whether the study has been presented previously in a congress or symposium.

ABSTRACT: The abstract is limited to 300 words. Abbreviations should be avoided in the abstracts. References, figures, tables and citations should not be used. Abstracts should only be structured in research articles as Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. There should be three to five keywords. At least two keywords should comply with the Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Refer to for additional information on keywords.

RESEARCH ARTICLES: The manuscript should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement (if required), Conflict of Interest Statement (indicating the presence or absence of any), References, Tables, Figure Legends and Figures. Research articles are not referred to exceed 5000 words and 40 references.

REVIEWS: Authors may submit review articles in the field of their expertise. Review should include Title, Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if required), Conflict of Interest Statement (indicating the presence or absence of any), References, Tables, Figure Legends and Figures. Number of references should be limited to 60 if possible.

CASE REPORTS: Case reports should include Title, Abstract, Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Acknowledgement (if required), Conflict of Interest Statement (indicating the presence or absence of any), References, Tables, Figure Legends and Figures. Introduction and Discussion sections of the case reports should be short and concise. Case reports should not exceed 1500 words.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR/TECHNICAL NOTE: These manuscripts should be short and concise limited to 1000 words and 10 references.

TABLES AND FIGURES: Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numbers in order of reference in the text. Each table should be prepared double spaced on a separate page. Each table should contain a short title. Explanations should not be included in the title but as a footnote. All abbreviations that are not standard should be explained in the footnote. The symbols in this order (*,†,‡,§,||,Ά,**,††,‡‡) should be used for the footnotes. All tables should be referred in the text. Figures and graphics should be drawn or photographed professionally, and should be in high quality. Figures should be inserted within the main text and uploaded digitally to the submission system. Electronic files of the figures and graphics should be submitted in JPEG format with high resolution (at least 300 dpi). Figure legends should be indicated at the end of the main text separately. Letters, numbers, and symbols on figures should be clear and consistent throughout the article. Unlabeled figures should also be provided during the initial submission, since International Journal of Medical Justice [IJMJ] prefers standard labeling. Figures should be as self-explanatory as possible. If patient photographs will be used, either the patient should not be recognizable from the photograph or signed consent should be obtained from the patient or his/her legal representative. Legends for figure should be typed starting on a separate page, double spaced, indicating the corresponding illustrations with numbers. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of illustrations, define each one clearly in the figure legends.

COPYRIGHT: Scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors. Authors are responsible for the ideas and comments in the manuscript as well as the accuracy of the references. The Dean, College of Medicine/Patron, the Editor, and the Associate Editors  or any member of Editorial Board do not accept any responsibility for the published articles. The copyright of the articles accepted for publication is transferred to the Dean, College of Medicine at King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa. "Copyright Transfer Form" should be signed by the all authors and should be uploaded through journal submission system and should be posted to College of Medicine, Dean’s Office, International Journal of Medical Justice [IJMJ] Editorial Office, King Fasial University Al-Ahsa KSA. If there are more than six authors, additional forms may be used. This form is available at

SUPPLEMENTS: Supplementary documents (additional figures, materials & methods, tables, or other items that add to the topic of the article but cannot be included within the main text) can be uploaded to the journal submission system. They may include files that are not printable, such as videos or long gene sequences.

PUBLICATION FEES: The details of fee is available on the website of the journal. Please do visit the website for updated policies and charges on the fee structure.


The International Journal of Medical Justice has partnered with LetPub to recommend English editing support for authors prior to submission. For authors whose native language is not English, editorial support from LetPub is a useful pre-submission resource.Please note that the use of editing and translation services does not guarantee your manuscript will be accepted for publication.



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Copyright © 2022-32 by Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science [GLAFIMS ACADEMY]. All rights reserved. Last Updated: November 1,  2022